WRI 1 (Academic Writing): Development of critical reading, thinking, and academic writing ability. Intensive practice in analysis of college-level texts and in expository writing and revision.
WRI 10 (Reading & Composition): Development of college-level skills in effective use of language, analysis and argumentation, organization and strategies for creation, revision and editing.
Writing 25 (Creative Writing): Workshop-oriented instruction in the artistic nuances of literary genres such as fiction and poetry.
WRI 30 (Professional Writing): Writing for business, including practice in technical writing, professional correspondence, public relations, and journalistic contexts.
WRI 90 (Intersections of Creative and Professional Writing): This course examines the relationship between artistic and utilitarian writing techniques and priorities. Students will generate texts in various genres of creative writing and professional writing), with primary focus on why texts are constructed in different ways for multiple purposes and varied audiences. WRI90 is the prerequisite for upper-division minor professional and creative writing coursework.
WRI 100 (Advanced Composition): Upper-division composition for juniors and seniors designed to polish their written expression and prepare them for applying their education in professional and postgraduate contexts.
WRI 101 (Writing for Psychology): Intended for psychology majors and minors in closely related disciplines, this course refines a students' ability to analyze, synthesize, and explain complex information by producing professional written texts and oral reports for appropriate audiences. Using APA style, each student also collaborates on a research project.
WRI 105 (Grammar and Style): Introduction to basic principles of language study, including the key distinction between classifying and explaining grammatical forms and functions. Building on such grammatical principles, students analyze texts of various genres and formats, ranging from literary to conversational to disciplinary discourse.
WRI 110 (Tutoring in Writing): Introduction to writing pedagogy, for students training to be tutors in the Student Advocacy and Learning Center.
WRI 112 (Writing in the Arts): An upper-division course within our Writing Minor Program and a General Education requisite, with subjects including Studio Art, Art History, Music, Cinema and Media, Performance Studies and Architecture. This course will use the medium of Arts to build critical inquiry and advanced composition skills.
WRI 114 (Environmental Writing): Technical, scientific, policy, journalistic, and nonfiction writing focused on environmental science, for the purposes of critical inquiry and advanced composition skills. With potential applications in environmental research, advocacy, art, this course provides opportunity to theorize the idea of place, analyze local environmental issues, and explore integrated and applied writing processes.
WRI 115 (Special Topics in Science Writing): To better understand the difficult process of explaining technical information in clear, accessible, non-technical language, students read widely in the scientific literature, including works by established science journalists and by prominent scientists who have written for the general public. Oral presentations and group projects complement various writing tasks. Course may be repeated 1 time for credit.
WRI 116 (Writing for the Natural Sciences): Intensive practice in the principles of audience oriented writing with respect to the presentation of scientific subject matter (in research, public policy, journalism, and grant proposals).
WRI 117 (Writing for the Social Sciences and Humanities): Study and practice of reading and writing social science research, with an emphasis on the interpretation, articulation, and presentation of quantitative and qualitative data. With a focus on disciplinary conventions and style, writing projects may include research proposals, literature reviews, case studies, field notes, object/artifact analyses, interviews, ethnographies, academic posters.
WRI 118 (Management Communication): Students will analyze and demonstrate effective managerial communication skills, with an emphasis on public speaking, presentations, and writing. Topics include business ethics, media relations, intercultural communication, interviewing, persuasion, and the visual representation of data. Extensive work in impromptu oral and written communication in various managerial, organizational, interpersonal situations.
WRI 119 (Writing for Engineering): Intensive practice in the presentation of technical subject matter. Students survey the range of audiences to which engineering communities respond, and explore respective variations in the style and logic of written discourse within the profession. Assignments may include technical reports, design projects, memo reports, project proposals, press releases, oral presentations, collaborative projects, and general client-based writing.
WRI 120 (Rhetorical Theory): Intensive study in classical and contemporary theories of written rhetoric. The course will enable students to analyze, criticize and deploy rhetorical strategies via readings in rhetorical theory, application of theory to the criticism of texts, and the imitation and production of arguments.
WRI 125 (Topics in Creative Writing): Provides an opportunity to pursue advanced work in creative writing. Each section focuses on one genre: poetry, fiction, drama, or creative nonfiction. Workshop format with a focus on student writing. Course is repeatable for credit as topics change. WRI 125A, WRI 125B, WRI 125C, and WRI 125D all represent regular offerings in specific genres (poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and drama, respectively) in this series.
WRI 130 (Topics in Professional Writing): Specialized instruction in one aspect of professional writing. Topics include but are not limited to Journalism, Technical Writing, Copy-Editing, Writing for the Internet, and Research for Writers. Class provides practical instruction in "realworld" writing scenarios, considering important factors like clarity, tone, audience, ethics and context. Course is repeatable for credit as topics change.
WRI 131 (Undergraduate Journal Production): Intended for students working on the Undergraduate Research Journal, this course will examine issues of journal production in print and electronic forms, including editorial analysis of texts and principles of revision. Course work will be adjusted to match each student’s experience in publication. As of Spring 2018, WRI 131A (Journal Production: Technical Writing and Editing), WRI 131B (Journal Production: Vernal Pool), and WRI 131C (Journal Production: Undergraduate Research Journal) will replace WRI 131.
WRI 150 (Seminar in Creative Writing): In this advanced workshop students will produce creative and critical work in one of the following genres: fiction, playwriting, poetry, or creative nonfiction. Course is repeatable for credit as topics change.
WRI 155 (Seminar in Professional Writing): This seminar is based on case studies representing different contexts of professional writing. Specific attention is devoted to technical writing for the representation of complex information in a form that is accessible to general readers. Elements of translation theory will also be reviewed. Course is repeatable for credit as topics change.